SEO sites like are great if you want to check out how your page ranks in Google for a given set of keywords, but you can only perform 5 searches per day using the free account :(.
There are others out there that will let you perform lots of searches, but restrict you to the first 100 results.
Apparently Google limits a given user to only so many (1000?) searches per day before having to use a CAPTCHA to perform subsequent searches, which I guess is understandable.
But what if you want to do more than 5 but less than 1000? And you want to scan the first 1000 results, because your site is really crap and you want to see if it's getting better? Luckily ,it is trivial to replicate the behaviour of SEOMOZ using simple screen scraping techniques. If you use the code below and install it on your localhost IIS you will be able to perform (practically) unlimited SEO searches. With the caveat that Google may at their whim change their HTML of course and hence break it!
Use at your own risk would be my advice.
You will need the latest .Net Framework 3.5 to run this. Create a new web app project in Visual Studio Pro 2008 or Web Dev Express and make a new .aspx page. Copy and paste the code below and voila, it should all work! (Oh yeah, you'll need a couple of images too if you want the nice AJAX effect - I suggest ) If you are wondering it's Open Source so feel free to make it work better for you!
(Copy all to new .aspx page)
<%@ Import Namespace ="System.IO" %> <% @ Import Namespace ="System.Net" %> <% @ Page Language ="vb" AutoEventWireup ="false" EnableViewState ="false" %> <! DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> < script runat ="server"> Private _baseURL As String = "" Protected Sub btnGo_Click( ByVal sender As Object , ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles btnGo.Click Dim baseurl As String = _baseURL & "&q=" & Me .txtKeywords.Text.Trim Dim numTries As Int32 = Math.Min( CInt ( Me .cbxResults.Text) \ 100, 10) For iTry As Int32 = 1 To numTries Dim url As String = baseurl If iTry > 1 Then url &= "&start=" & ((iTry - 1) * 100).ToString End If Dim results As String = Me .readHTMLPage(url) If results.ToLower.Contains( Me .txtDomain.Text.Trim.ToLower) Then Me .showResults(results, (iTry - 1) * 100, url) Return End If Next ' If got here then not found Me .lblResult.Text = "Not found..." Me .lblResult.Visible = True End Sub Private Sub showResults( ByVal someHTML As String , ByVal addResults As Int32, ByVal googleURL As String ) Dim googleResults As New List( Of String )(someHTML.Split( New String () {"<div class=g>", "<div class=g "}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)) If googleResults.Count > 0 Then googleResults.RemoveAt(0) ' Remove the header rubbish from google End If Dim resultNum As Int32 = 1 For Each aResult As String In googleResults If aResult.ToLower.Contains( Me .txtDomain.Text.Trim.ToLower) Then Me .lblResult.Text = "Result found at position " & (addResults + resultNum).ToString() Me .lblResult.Visible = True Dim link As New HyperLink() link.NavigateUrl = googleURL link.Text = googleURL Me .panelResults.Controls.Add(link) Me .panelResults.Controls.Add( New LiteralControl("<br /><hr />")) ' Show the resulting text If aResult.ToLower.Contains("<br clear=""all""/>") Then ' Remove below that aResult = Split(aResult, "<br clear=""all""/>", , CompareMethod.Text)(0) End If aResult = Replace(aResult, "onmousedown", "onmousedownX") ' Disable on mousedown Dim lit As New LiteralControl(aResult) Me .panelResults.Controls.Add(lit) Return End If resultNum += 1 Next End Sub Private Function readHTMLPage( ByVal url As String ) As String Dim result As String 'Threading.Thread.Sleep(3000) Dim objRequest As WebRequest = HttpWebRequest.Create(url) objRequest.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials Dim objResponse As WebResponse = objRequest.GetResponse() Using sr As New StreamReader(objResponse.GetResponseStream()) result = sr.ReadToEnd() sr.Close() End Using Return result End Function </ script > < html xmlns ="" > < head runat ="server"> < title > Untitled Page </ title > < style type ="text/css"> .style1 { width : 255px ; } .style2 { font-size : x-large ; } </ style > < style type ="text/css"> div , td , .n a , .n a:visited { color : #000 } .ts td , .tc { padding : 0 } .ts , .tb { border-collapse : collapse } .ti , .bl { display : inline } .ti { display : inline-table } .f , .m { color : #666 } .flc , a.fl { color : #77c } a , .w , .q:visited , .q:active , .q , .b a , .b a:visited , .mblink:visited { color : #00c } a:visited { color : #551a8b } a:active { color : red } .t { background : #d5ddf3 ; color : #000 ; padding : 5px 1px 4px } .bb { border-bottom : 1px solid #36c } .bt { border-top : 1px solid #36c } .j { width : 34em } .h { color : #36c } .i { color : #a90a08 } .a { color : green } .z { display : none } div.n { margin-top : 1ex } .n a , .n .i { font-size : 10pt } .n .i , .b a { font-weight : bold } .b a { font-size : 12pt } .std { font-size : 82% } #np , #nn , .nr , #logo span , .ch { cursor : pointer ; cursor : hand } .ta { padding : 3px 3px 3px 5px } #tpa2 , #tpa3 { padding-top : 9px } #gbar { float : left ; height : 22px ; padding-left : 2px } .gbh , .gb2 div { border-top : 1px solid #c9d7f1 ; font-size : 0 ; height : 0 } .gbh { position : absolute ; top : 24px ; width : 100% } .gb2 div { margin : 5px } #gbi { background : #fff ; border : 1px solid ; border-color : #c9d7f1 #36c #36c #a2bae7 ; font-size : 13px ; top : 24px ; z-index : 1000 } #guser { padding-bottom : 7px !important } #gbar , #guser { font-size : 13px ; padding-top : 1px !important } @media all{ .gb1 , .gb3 { height : 22px ; margin-right : .73em ; vertical-align : top } .gb2 a , .gb2 b { display : block ; padding : .2em .5em }} #gbi , .gb2 { display : none ; position : absolute ; width : 8em } .gb2 { z-index : 1001 } #gbar a { color : #00c } .gb2 a , .gb3 a { text-decoration : none } #gbar .gb2 a:hover { background : #36c ; color : #fff ; display : block } .sl , .r { display : inline ; font-weight : normal ; margin : 0 } .sl { font-size : 84% } .r { font-size : 100% } .e { margin : .75em 0 } .m { font-size : 84% } .sm { display : block ; margin : 0 ; margin-left : 40px } .slk td { padding-top : 5px ; padding-left : 40px ; vertical-align : top ; font-size : 84% } .slk div { text-indent : -10px ; padding-left : 10px } .csb , .n div , #logo span { background : url(/images/nav_logo3.png) no-repeat ; height : 26px ; overflow : hidden } .n .nr { background-position : -60px 0 ; width : 16px } #np { width : 44px } #nf { background-position : -26px 0 ; width : 18px } #nc { background-position : -44px 0 ; width : 16px } #nn { margin-right : 34px ; width : 66px } #nl { width : 46px } #nn , #nl { background-position : -76px 0 } #logo { display : block ; height : 52px ; margin : 13px 0 7px ; overflow : hidden ; position : relative ; width : 150px } #logo span { background-position : 0 -26px ; height : 100% ; left : 0 ; position : absolute ; top : 0 ; width : 100% } .ss { background : url(/images/nav_logo3.png) no-repeat ; background-position : 0 -87px ; display : block ; left : 0 ; overflow : hidden ; position : absolute ; top : 0 } .cps { overflow : hidden ; height : 18px ; width : 114px } .mbi { display : block ; font-size : 0 ; width : 12px ; height : 12px ; background-position : -114px -78px ; margin-right : 2px } .mblink { font-size : 100% } body , td , div , .p , a { font-family : arial,sans-serif } .g { margin : 1em 0 } #sd { font-size : 84% ; font-weight : bold } #ap { font-size : 64% } </ style > </ head > < body > < script type ="text/javascript" src ="script/prototype.js"></ script > < form id ="form1" runat ="server"> < asp : ScriptManager ID ="ScriptManager1" runat ="server"> </ asp : ScriptManager > < asp : UpdatePanel ID ="UpdatePanel1" runat ="server"> < ContentTemplate > < div > < table style =" width : 100% ; "> < tr > < td class ="style1"> Keywords </ td > < td > < asp : TextBox ID ="txtKeywords" runat ="server" Width ="356px"></ asp : TextBox > </ td > </ tr > < tr > < td class ="style1"> Domain </ td > < td > < asp : TextBox ID ="txtDomain" runat ="server" Width ="358px"></ asp : TextBox > </ td > </ tr > < tr > < td class ="style1"> Results to search </ td > < td > < asp : DropDownList ID ="cbxResults" runat ="server"> < asp : ListItem > 100 </ asp : ListItem > < asp : ListItem > 200 </ asp : ListItem > < asp : ListItem > 300 </ asp : ListItem > < asp : ListItem > 400 </ asp : ListItem > < asp : ListItem > 500 </ asp : ListItem > < asp : ListItem > 600 </ asp : ListItem > < asp : ListItem > 700 </ asp : ListItem > < asp : ListItem > 800 </ asp : ListItem > < asp : ListItem > 900 </ asp : ListItem > < asp : ListItem > 1000 </ asp : ListItem > </ asp : DropDownList > </ td > </ tr > < tr > < td class ="style1"> < asp : Button ID ="btnGo" runat ="server" Text ="Find page rank" /> </ td > < td > < asp : UpdateProgress ID ="UpdateProgress1" runat ="server" AssociatedUpdatePanelID ="UpdatePanel1" DynamicLayout =true> < ProgressTemplate > < div style =" background-image : url('images/bg.jpg') ; width : 179px ; "> < img src ="Images/loading.gif" />< span class ="style2"> Searching.. </ span > . </ div > </ ProgressTemplate > </ asp : UpdateProgress > </ td > </ tr > </ table > </ div > < div id =results> </ div > < asp : Panel ID ="panelResults" runat ="server"> < asp : Label ID ="lblResult" runat ="server" Text ="Label" Visible ="False" Font-Bold ="True" Font-Size ="X-Large"></ asp : Label > </ asp : Panel > </ ContentTemplate > </ asp : UpdatePanel > </ form > </ body > </ html >